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De Meyer donates welding machines to WeTech Academy

De Meyer recently donated two welding stations to the weTech academy in Sint-Niklaas.

This donation gives the technical secondary school the opportunity to provide young, motivated students with quality equipment so they can further develop their welding skills.

We are very pleased to receive this positive feedback.

Mr. Wim De Cauwer, a welding teacher in the third grade, was so blown away yesterday that he said the following: “Marc, with these devices we have advanced 20 years!”

This will be a huge boost for our students, but certainly also for our teachers! In recent years, it has taken so much energy for our teachers to complete certain projects because they have to work with materials that do not meet the current requirements.

I am trying to explain the positive effect this donation will have on our students and on our teachers in the welding department.

A big thank you!!
—  Marc Zweig - weTech Academy

#MastersInMechanics #TogetherStrong #InvestingInTheFuture