To the overview

De Meyer wins (also) the prices!

RINKONIËN is the temporary operating company that is responsible for the construction of the Royersluis lock as part of the Oosterweel project.

De Meyer NV is responsible for the design and construction of the various steel structures and mechanical components within this project.

Last week we received the news that RINKONIÊN has won the BIM Award 2023 Gold. We are proud that we have been able to contribute to this.


A BIM model is a digital representation of a structure in which the geometry and information are linked.

(Building Information Modeling) stands for Building Information Modeling, which means that the model is used to manage and exchange information between the various parties involved in a construction project. The BIM model contains information about the materials, the finishes, the quantities and the status. Furthermore, this BIM model helps to prevent or resolve errors and clashes during the execution of the Royerssluis project.

De Meyer is responsible for the mechanical components and various steel structures within this BIM model.

Below are the congratulations from the coordinating supervisor:

"Proficiat allemaal !

Gisteren hebben we met Royerssluis de Golden Belgian BIM Award gewonnen op de Belgian Construction Awards. Dit allemaal dankzij jullie input, samenwerking en uiteraard kwalitatieve BIM-modellen & coördinatie.

Een prijs voor ieder van jullie. Op naar een BIM-uitvoeringsmodel en as-built model 😉

Alvast een fijn weekend.

Met vriendelijke groeten,
