DEME-GSR envisions large-scale but sustainable mining for scarce metals, needed to make the energy transition a reality.
On the Pacific seabed there are polymetallic nodules rich in these scarce resources.
But the challenge is great because these nodules must be “harvested” at no less than 4,500 meters below sea level!
In 2017, De Meyer was contacted to work with DEME-GSR to build the first deep-sea robot. PATANIA I became the name for this true 'pioneer'.
Thorough engineering, co-creation with the customer and creative use of our mechanical expertise ensured a successful outcome.
A second, and even more challenging step followed in 2018 ... PATANIA II became a larger prototype, on which the technology was also provided to pick up tubers from the seabed.
Once again, DEME-GSR found its way to De Meyer.
In the meantime PATANIA II has made the dive into the deep sea and proved that the innovative technology works!