Aquafin purifies sewage until it can be returned to nature
More than 1,200 employees work at Aquafin on clean waterways and a living environment in harmony with water. They treat household wastewater and make room for rainwater on public property. Infiltrating and buffering rainwater is the best answer to both flooding and drought.
Aquafin has a deep understanding of the operation of the wastewater and stormwater systems in the Flemish treatment areas. As a result, they know where the risks of flooding and ecological damage due to flooding are and propose the appropriate measures to eliminate them. Due to a changing climate, we in Flanders are increasingly having to deal with a lot of precipitation in a short period of time and long-term drought. Aquafin has the knowledge and tools to work out scenarios that offer sustainable solutions that go beyond mere adaptation. They work out total concepts that focus on the efficient use of every drop of water. Moreover, they pay attention to nature and amenity value in their designs.